Wednesday, December 31, 2008

sorry liver. (HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!)

The new year starts in an hour and I couldn't be more glad to be with the people I'm with. The drinks keep on coming and everyone is in a great festive mood.

I'm pretty fucked right now so please excuse any nonsensical mistakes or rants. The conversations right now are pointless and bizarre but that's the joy of the party.

I'm looking forward to posting some pictures as soon as I get back to Montreal.

Thank you to everyone who's organized the party and happy fucken new year to everyone!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

"another year over and a new one just begun"

I just sat down for the first time ever since I got home and it feels very nice. Another week end was spent working and sleeping. Not much excitement if you ask me. On the other hand, I've been packing ever since I got home from Tremblant and a rush of excitement struck me. I am leaving tomorrow morning...leaving to Mont Saint-Anne. I'm going away for New Years for a couple of days. I think it will be nice to be away from home for a little while and to let loose...very loose.

2008 was an interesting year... a very interesting year. I've learnt a lot throughout the year and I think I've grown up quite a bit. I started the new year by losing a part of me and will never be able to get it back. Things are often painful but you learn from them and you hope that you'll be able to move on. The first half of the year was filled with ups and very very low downs. Summer was refreshing and was memorable. Late nights spent outdoors, practically living on Mount-Royal, working in Tremblant, meeting a bunch of new people. Autumn...what a beautiful season but it always brings misery. I had a very rough time and I realized some things about people and the way life works out. Obviously, I felt a need for change because life was getting mundane. I've learnt that caring about yourself sometimes is more important than caring for others. Let me tell you, it pays off. Winter is here and I hope it will bring plenty of new joyous moments in the following year. I hope I can learn as mush as I did this year and grow up some more. I've matured both mind and body by letting every little situation make me think twice. Thank you 2008 for being such a bitch at times and yet so good to me.

Happy New Year to everyone since I will not be around for a few days. I hope everyone enjoys their festivities (in a safe manner, of course!) Also, I hope 2009 will take a positive route and turn out to be a good year.

Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas and inner children

I am back to living my normal life again...thankfully. I have finished my twelve days of intense work in a row and I am so grateful that I made it through. It feels nice to know that you earned and worked hard for the money that is now sitting in your bank account. Honestly, I think everyone should go on working sprints from time to time...makes you appreciate the relaxing evenings at home.

Christmas is over and it went by so quickly, similar to all the other years. I didn't spend it with all of my family, which doesn't really matter. I was with the two most important people in my life; my parents. They've given me the gift of life which is a priceless gift. Although, I do appreciate all the material items I've received during the holiday season.

I had a nice evening last night with a good friend that I missed dearly during my working spree. It feels nice to catch up with those who are close to you when you haven't done so in a while. We fooled around with my new camera and had bundles of fun acting silly. Note to all...letting out your inner child feels great from time to time.

Afterwards, I saw some more friends at a little Christmas gathering. I love the holidays because everyone is in such a jolly mood. Shame on those who act like a grinch! I hope all of you have enjoyed your Christmas and any other winter holiday as much as I have.

I'm leaving to go for Tremblant in an hour or so...more catching up with some old friends. I think this will be an interesting week end.


My camera is magical...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

santa baby...


I cannot contain my excitement...

okay, okay, I still have six days of work in a row left so I should remain calm. I've already done six, so I'm half way there. To my great surprise, I'm not too exhausted and I'm still in a very good mood. Things are going well right now and I've grown strong enough to not let the little things bother me.

I am dying to get my paycheck, but it only comes in one week. I have about twenty dollars to last me an entire week. Twenty dollars for gas, coffee, cigarettes and whatever other expenses I have. Anyone want to donate some money to a kind girl who happens to be me? It would be greatly appreciated. It's Christmas...all about the spirit of giving!

Little update on my life...I lost three more pounds this week and I really hope I will not gain any during the holiday season. That means no turkey stuffing or cranberry sauce for me. Speaking of cranberry sauce, I got my hair dyed today. I added more red in it and went a little darker. It feels good to treat yourself from time to time. I added a picture of my new hair, but please excuse my creepy child molester look....hahah

Sunday, December 14, 2008


dear writer's block,

you have been unkind to me and many other individuals therefore I think I speak on the behalf of many people when I tell you to go fuck yourself...

Now that I've made that clear, perhaps the words will come flowing again and I'll be able to write a thorough essay. I'm not in the right mind set to write a 1500 word thematic analysis on dystopian societies. Anyone have a remedy?

I've worked two days in a row and I have ten(!!!) more days in a row to do. I don't know how I'll manage or even make it through. My twelve days of Christmas will be spent working. Fortunately, I'll be making good money and starting the new year with some funds in my bank account.

Lost of motivation is not any case. I need to snap back into reality and get back on track. COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES!!!
do not give up, do not give up, do not give up. If I tell myself not to three times, maybe my goals will be like Beetlejuice...maybe they'll come after I call for them three times. Maybe, I'm just crazy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

destruction of a wall

I am calm. I am enjoying my coffee right now, my fourth one today. I am at peace. I am watching the imaginary wall between society and i shatter to the ground. I am sedated or will be by 5:30 PM tomorrow.

Another semester of school is over and i could not be any happier right now. No essays, no productions, no late nights spent editing, no chaotic hair pulling stress for six weeks!!!! Christmas is in a little more than two weeks and I'm super excited.

Nothing interesting has happened lately and I don't look at this negatively. One day goes by and another comes and I'm just at peace with myself. I'm looking forward to seeing more people during my break and getting my social life rolling...again.

I wonder what the new year will bring...I hope it will be as complete as the year that is finishing.

Happy end of semester to everyone...drink a glass of wine or two.

Friday, December 5, 2008

friday night blues

It gets pretty lonely in a tiny little room in front of a computer and with hours of footage to edit. Despite the minimal amount of school days, it feels like I have years of work to do. Instead of being in my warm cosy home, I'm at school in an editing room or what I like to call a jail cell.

Being alone, in a secluded room, gets you thinking...maybe a bit too much. I wish someone would be here to accompany me or possibly keep me from going insane. Thankfully, I love what I'm doing right now.

On a lighter note, the holiday season is approaching quickly and I'm so excited. Egg nog, cinnamon sticks, scented candles, nice jazzy music, all of this creates colossal amounts of excitement in mind!

Have a lovely Friday night, while I'm here facing a terribly long evening.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I think and will always believe that everything happens for a reason. I'm very grateful for this fact and I would not ever change anything. Lately, I've come to realize that life is precious and every moment needs to be appreciated. Therefore, I've been taking advantage of every opportunity that faces me.

I've never felt such joy before and I think things will keep on getting better. I'm looking very far out and with the right kind of eyes I see that the future is promising. I owe it to the people around me; the people who have made me feel different emotions or sensations.

Even if my fatigue and stress is overwhelming, I still manage to smile. School is almost over and the holidays are right around the corner. There are also many good times to be found around that corner if I keep the same positive energy. All I have to say is que sera, sera...