Thursday, December 18, 2008

santa baby...


I cannot contain my excitement...

okay, okay, I still have six days of work in a row left so I should remain calm. I've already done six, so I'm half way there. To my great surprise, I'm not too exhausted and I'm still in a very good mood. Things are going well right now and I've grown strong enough to not let the little things bother me.

I am dying to get my paycheck, but it only comes in one week. I have about twenty dollars to last me an entire week. Twenty dollars for gas, coffee, cigarettes and whatever other expenses I have. Anyone want to donate some money to a kind girl who happens to be me? It would be greatly appreciated. It's Christmas...all about the spirit of giving!

Little update on my life...I lost three more pounds this week and I really hope I will not gain any during the holiday season. That means no turkey stuffing or cranberry sauce for me. Speaking of cranberry sauce, I got my hair dyed today. I added more red in it and went a little darker. It feels good to treat yourself from time to time. I added a picture of my new hair, but please excuse my creepy child molester look....hahah


Melissa said...

your hair looks stunning! i'm glad to hear that half of your working shifts are over - only half more to go! can't wait to see you. xox

Nick Brygidyr said...

Friends off stacy....friends off